Includeswaterheater,switchassembly, door,attachinghardwareandillustrated installationinstructions. ThermalCut-OffKit-93866 AnAtwoodheatfusehelpsprotectyour electronicignitionwaterheaterfrom damagecausedbyexcessiveheatconditions. FusedCircuitBoard- 93865&93851 Atwood’sfusedcircuitboardsprovide protectionforyourDSIwaterheat...
LisFaxbo 93866 Water Heater Thermal Cutoff Switch Kit For RV Atwood Camper Gas Water Heater (4.7)4.7 stars out of 3 reviews3 reviews About this item Compatibility: Atwood Water Heater Models GCH6-4E, GCH6-6E, G6A-7E, G6A-8E, G4A00, GC6AA-9E, G...
12.Turn on the gas and check the water heater and all connections for gas leaks with a leak detecting solution. It is required that the unit be connected through a switch that is connected directly to a 12V DC battery or to the filtered side of 13. Turn on water supply line and check...