《Being Mortal》的作者 Atul Gawande 是一名医生,他道出了大家也许不知道也许视而不见的真相:绝症的治疗并不一定能把病治好,有时候能帮你延长性命,但多数时候你不但要承受治疗的痛苦,还很可能恶化你的病情。 作者从医生受教育时被灌输的观念开始说起,仿佛全世界都认为医生就是应该要积极地把病治好,无论可能...
“American medicine, Being Mortal reminds us, has prepared itself for life but not for death. This is Atul Gawande’s most powerful – and moving – book.”– Malcolm Gladwell Being Mortal is an AARP, Amazon, Apple iBooks, Astoria Bookshop, Book Riot, Business Standard, Chicago Tribune, Th...
Fishpond China, Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End by AtulGawandeBuy . Books online: Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, 2017, Fishpond.com
《最好的告别:关于衰老与死亡,你必须知道的常识 [Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End]》作者 [美]阿图·葛文德(AtulGawande)著;王一方编;彭小华译,出版:浙江人民出版社 2015.8,isbn:7213067796, 9787213067792。缺书网提供准确的比价,齐全的书
Being Mortal 这是一本讲生命最后时光的书。以中国人的习惯来看,这总是很忌讳,觉得不祥。我们的文化在有意无意地逃避讨论死亡。 只是,这个世界上的每一个人,如果运气好的话,都要经历从衰老到亡故的一个过程。对这个领域一无所知,会让我们在人生最后的时光里过得更好吗?我想应该是相反吧。至少如果我在几年前...
这本书让我想起之前看的另一本书《死亡如此多情》。区别在于,Atul本身就是美国一名专业的医生,他的记录与思考充满了理性和探索。而《死亡如此多情》是对中国一百来位临床医生的访谈集,更多的是平实的叙事,记录着生命终点的人生百态,从而更感性一些。两本书一中一外,都值得一读。1. 人体衰老的过程...
Author: Atul Gawande Series: 50 Contemporary Books Every Woman’s Gotta Read: Nonfiction Genre: Nonfiction Length: 304 pages ASIN: B00JCW0BCYI resisted reading this for a year because it sounded so heavy: it's a personal meditation on aging, death, and dying. But Gawande, a surgeon by ...
Hospitals isolate the dying, checking for vital signs long after the goals of cure have become moot. Doctors, committed to extending life, continue to carry out devastating procedures that in the end extend suffering.Atul GawandeMacmillan
Atul Gawande, a surgeon and professor at Harvard Medical School and a staff writer for the New Yorker, is the author of three previous books focusing on difficult issues doctors face.doi:10.1080/14704994.2016.1154732David KnightJ Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs...
最好的告别 英文原版 关于衰老与死亡你必须知道的常识 Being Mortal[平装] Atul Gawande著 京东价 ¥降价通知 累计评价 0 促销 展开促销 配送至 --请选择-- 支持 更多商品信息 进口原版图书馆京东自营官方旗舰店 进店逛逛关注店铺 商品介绍 规格与包装 ...