steam jet attriter 蒸汽喷射磨细器 steam jet pump 蒸汽喷射泵 steam jet sucker 蒸汽喷射吸入器 steam jet cooler 蒸汽喷射冷却器 steam jet heater 蒸汽喷射加热器 steam jet mixer 蒸汽喷射式混合器 steam jet injector 蒸汽喷射器 steam jet stoker 蒸汽鼓风层燃炉 steam jet agitator 蒸汽喷射搅拌...
Elimination of the depositing a grinding medium, in order in this case, an operation with a high circulation performance and simultaneous reduction of wear at a stirrer means and a milling media - fishback assembly to achieve. [Solving the problem] in a media - agitator - attriter the ...
[Solving the problem] in a media - agitator - attriter the stirrer means comprises the following: a circular and disk-shaped hub element (26), which at one end of a rotating drive shaft is attached, which is present in the interior of the grinding chamber is located, the rotating drive...
BILINGUALISMLANGUAGE acquisitionLANGUAGE & languagesThe article discusess the definition, scope and limitation of attrition effects. Topics discussed include effects of the second language on the first language; epistemological issue of bilingualism; and role shaping and constraining the developmental process ...
Inside the attriter's mind: A comparative exploration of the cognitive constraints in L1 attrition and advanced L1 acquisition : Cognitive Linguistics Bibliography
Continuously operating unraveling zones to rise serer or attriter, for example for alkali celluloseBOERNER DIPL.-ING. CHRISTIAN
doi:10.1075/LAB.00007.GURAye GürelLinguistic Approaches to BilingualismGurel, A. (2017). Is every bilingual an attriter?: The unbearable complexity of defining L1 attrition. Linguist. Approaches Biling. 7, 696-699. doi: 10.1075/lab. 00007.gur...