In OCT images, some changes were evident at the transparent dentin in attrited teeth. An OCT attenuation coefficient parameter (μ t) was derived based on the Beer-Lambert law as a function of backscatter signal slope. The mean values of μ t were 1.05 ± 0.3, 2.23 ± 0.4, ...
Full mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severely attrited dentitionFull mouth rehabilitation of a patient with severely attrited dentitionFull mouth rehabilitation seeks to restore the impaired occlusion, enhancement of esthetics, preservation of the remaining teeth a...
Scanning electron microscopy of attrited dentinal surfaces and subjacent dentin in human teeth Characterization of Mechanically Attrited Si/SiOx Nanoparticles and Their Self-Assembled Composite Films Mechanical properties in tension of mechanically attrited nanocrystalline iron by the use of the miniaturized...
Define attrited. attrited synonyms, attrited pronunciation, attrited translation, English dictionary definition of attrited. tr.v. at·trit·ted , at·trit·ting , at·trits or at·trit·ed or at·trit·ing To weaken or reduce in number by stress or mili
A 53 year old male patient came to the comprehensive care clinic with the chief complaint of worn out teeth. On examination generalized attrition, extrinsic staining, spacing between anterior teeth, decreased vertical dimensions of occlusion with loss of anterior guidance were seen. The patient was ...
Aim of the study was to manage and evaluate the outcome of sensitive, attrited molar teeth using three different treatment options, including bioglassヽontaining desensitising toothpaste, Gluma desensitiser and coronal a pulpotomy using a calcium silicate‐based product, Biodentine. A total of...
Esthetic Rehabilitation of Anterior Teeth with Attrited and Abraded Dentition-A Case ReportAttritionAbrasionErosionCeramicsRehabilitationTOOTH WEARThe smile is the most important factor as it affects the social appearance, increases perceived attractiveness and is considered a signal of trustworthiness and ...
Permeability of dentine from worn teeth was less than those from unoccluded teeth significantly.ConclusionChange in dentine by wear resulted in the formation of reactionary dentine and transparent dentine that illustrated various types and degrees of tubular occlusion. These decrease the dentine ...
Occlusal disharmony can be due to the collapse of posterior teeth which may lead to loss of normal occlusal plane and the reduction of vertical dimension. Subsequently, there is a loss of vertical facial height of the patient that can cause lack of confidence in patient due to inferior ...