Journal of Sport & Exercise PsychologyQuaquebeke, N. V., & Giessner, S. R. (2010). How embodied cognitions affect judgments: Height-related attribution bias in football foul calls. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 32, 3-22.
Carver, Charles S., Eileen DeGregorio, and Rod Gillis. 1980. “Field-Study Evidence of an Ego-Defensive Bias in Attribution Among Two Categories of Observers.” Personality and SocialPsychology Bulletin 6:44-50. Page 14. 1980. “Attribution Theory and Research.” Pp. AGRO...
C Giannotti,M Biasin,G Mattarocci 摘要: The performance of real estate funds is mainly influenced by the inflows and outflows during the life of the fund and by the value changes of the real estate properties (Cervone, 2006). Following international standards (CFA Institute, 2009; IPD, ...
1.There are various manifestations involved inself-enhancement: above-average effect, illusions of control, unrealistic optimism,self-serving bias attribution, selective information processing, strategic social comparisonand commu.它有优于平均效应、控制错觉、不切实际的乐观、自利偏向归因、选择性信息加工、策略...
selection bias might also have occurred, as our controls might have been particularly motivated people with a generally healthier lifestyle. An advantage of having performed the case-case analysis was that selection (and recall) bias were minimised. Another protective factor was contact with dogs out...
cognitive bias reason See all related content halo effect, error inreasoningin which an impression formed from a single trait orcharacteristicis allowed to influence multiple judgments or ratings of unrelated factors. Research on the phenomenon of the halo effect was pioneered by American psychologistEd...
Our results suggest the athletes made the self-serving attribution bias across both the success and failure competitive events. Our results contribute to better understanding of specific reasons for success and failure and the attribution dimensions explaining the competitive outcomes in competitive combat ...