Fuzzy rough sets are the generalization of traditional rough sets to deal with both fuzziness and vagueness in data. The existing researches on fuzzy rough sets are mainly concentrated on the construction of approximation operators. Less effort has been put on the attributes reduction of databases wi...
Second, the structure of proposed attributes reduction is investigated in detail by the approach of discernibility matrix. Third, an algorithm of computing attributes reduction is designed and finally a comparison with other methods of attributes reduction with fuzzy rough sets is performed using several...
In order to effectively deal with imprecise linguistic terms in information tables and to improve the ability of dealing with initial fuzzy data, fuzzy indiscernibility relation is proposed. Some basic concepts of rough sets such as reduct and core of knowledge are generalized to the fuzzy environme...
combination conditional entropy and rough entropy. The idea of attribute reduction using positive region was originated by Grzymala-Buss [8,9]. In a classical rough set model, the conditional entropy of Shannon’s information entropy was introduced in ...
In view of many uncertainty and fuzzy factors in water quality prediction,a new weighted support vector machine water quality prediction model based on the importance of attributes is proposed in this paper.By attribute reduction,the prediction indexes are reduced to seven indexes from the original ...
Attribute reduction in concept lattices and attribute characteristics; 概念格的属性约简与属性特征 2. The attribute characteristic is the description or the appraisal of special attributes,which is usually expressed by adjectives,and its common expression forms are "Yattribute-characteristic(Y)+(de)+N...
KNOWLEDGE REDUCTION IN LATTICE-VALUED INFORMATION SYSTEMS WITH INTERVAL-VALUED INTUITIONISTIC FUZZY DECISION In this paper, associated with dominance relation, lattice theory and intuitionistic fuzzy sets theory, the lattice-valued information systems with interva... WH Xu,SH Liu,FS Yu - 《International...
A target-based MADM method covers beneficial and non-beneficial attributes besides target values for some attributes. Such techniques are considered as the
Rough setData miningFuzzy class setsCrisp attributesCertain rulePossible ruleα-cutMachine learning can extract desired knowledge and ease the development bottleneck in building expert systems. Among the proposed approaches, deriving classification rules from training examples is the most common. Given a ...
A new method for discretization of continuous attributes is put forward to overcome the limitation of the traditional rough sets,which cannot deal with continuous attributes.The method is based on an improved algorithm to produce candidate cut points and an algorithm of reduction based on variable ...