ofattributeis slightly different: If you attribute bad motives to a politician, it means you think he or she is doing things for the wrong reasons (even if you don't have any proof). Whenattributeis accented on its first syllable, it's being used as a noun, usually as a synonym for...
2. Able to avoid or navigate the politics of the organization. Understanding politics is not the same as being a politician, or using political clout. People who get things done don't worry about building their own image, but they are politically astute enough to find alternate routes around...
politician facestrustworthinessHow are masculine﹍ooking politicians perceived by voters? Are these judgments accurate? We asked Australian survey participants to rate images of unknown‐to‐them Swiss politicians. We find that politicians with prominent markers of masculinity (including facial hair, ...
The ideal candidate: A study of the desired attributes of the public and the media across two presidential campaigns - Trent, Mongeau, et al. - 1993 () Citation Context ...ypical conceptions of the ideal politician (Brown, Lambert, Kay, & Curtis, 1988; Funk, 1997; Hellweg, 1979; ...