Attributes in DBMS describe entities. For instance, in a customer database: name, address, phone number. In a product database: name, price, date of manufacture. Read On!
The composite entity has its own attributes and primary key, and it serves as a connector between the two entities it relates. In the case of the student and course entities, a composite entity called "enrollment" could be created, which would have attributes such as "semester," "grade," ...
Describe some typical pairs of entities that might be common in business, and describe their relationships, whether many-to-many, one-to-many, many-to-one, or one-to-one. Explain why a particular rela Which one of the following relational operators do not require the relations ...
Such descriptions of the corporate form often constitute introductory matter, conditioning how students, professionals, and public officials alike approach corporate law by presenting a straightforward framework to distinguish the corporate form from other types of business entities. There are two significant...