问题描述 今天在使用 “cordova build android” 的时候,发现报下面的错误 ERROR: In <declare-style...
Attribute is not allowed here FollowFollowed by 5 people Permanently deleted user Created August 1, 2016 at 7:24 PMHi,I'm totally new to PHP storm (evaluating the software) and I have a lot off warnings in my .js files:Car inspected The editor is not accepting the data- attributes?
那么,在开发过程中,会遇到java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service Intent绑定服务失败的问题,依次按照下面的过程即可解决: 1、manifest文件中的service声明加属性:android:process=”:remote” android:exported=”true”,并且要添加的action。 <service android:name=”com.idengpan.exserv.RemoteS...
jetbrains家族的新版webStorm、phpStorm等工具都已支持vue,不需要自己再安装Vue.js插件,对vue单文件组件支持挺好。 但是在html文件中直接引入的方式使用vue时IDE可能默认不支持vue的代码提示补全,还会有 "Attribute v-xxx is not allowed here"这样的提示,如下图这样 参考jetbrains的vue.js插件源码说明里面这段话: If...
我已经从github克隆了这个项目,并在androidstudio中打开了它。我是通过下载zip文件并在androidstudio中打开project来实现的。这个克隆的项目是在sdkversion23上实现的。通过这样做,项目构建是成功的,但是我在manifest.xml文件和main_activity.xml文件中得到了“android:attribute is not allowed here”错误。这说明所有属性...
The class or module where this attribute is defined is not declared using the Public modifier. Classes and modules that do not specify an access modifier are declared as Friend by default.Error ID: BC31517To correct this errorAdd the Public modifier to the class or module where this a...
When Using IntelliJ Ultimate with Stencil which itself user JSX syntax i get the class is not allowed here warning. But class is the proper way to style in Stencil, which can be seen herehttps://stenciljs.com/docs/templating-jsxVotes 1 Share 3 com...
Version 2.7.10 Reproduction link codesandbox.io Steps to reproduce Using type 'Ref' on ref will notice the error : jsx.d.ts(1305, 3): The expected type comes from property 'ref' which is declared here on type 'ElementAttrs<HTMLAttributes...
问题一:URI is not registered (Settings | Languages & Frameworks | Schemas and DTDs) 假如是下面框框内是报红色字体并且提示此错。 解决一:file-->settings...-->languages & frameworks --> Schemas and DTDs xml中文件头行报错 问题二:Attribute android:layout_width is not allowed here ...
Hello and thanks for this library! I was unsure about where to post this issue but I'm wondering about why pyodide-http does not work with astropy. Here is a minimal non-working example : # do pyodide http magics like in the readme here ...