Well I have this landcover dataset that displays values in the "attribute table" tab, but not the srtm one. Why? Then I can add a field (nbr_pix) to the table, but I'm unable to use it for classification. Why? Btw: would it make sense to have a way to multi edit a field in...
Create an attribute table with a multiline textfield and an other field Enter some data, with multiline text (must contain line breaks) copy whole attribute table with ctrl-a andt ctrl-c open calc or excel paste with ctrl-v Test data: Test_issues_attribute_table.zip QGIS and OS versions...
使用QGIS导出属性表非常简单,开始我以为是需要在属性表中直接操作。 结果找了一圈也没发现导出按钮,后面发现QGIS中将导出属性表和导出图形数据是放在一起了,都是直接点导出。 不要以为这是导出要素,也可以只导属性表,在弹出的对话框中选xlxs格式。 然后选择文件导出位置即可。 总结 导出的数据是excel格式,还是要用...
Changes a copied-to-clipboard QGIS attribute table into a sp Spatial object or a data.frame
QgsMessageLog.logMessage("At least one feature need to be selected.", level=QgsMessageLog.WARNING) 开发者ID:alexlopespereira,项目名称:sipamsar,代码行数:29,代码来源:Upload_Images.py 示例3: populateTable ▲点赞 5▼ defpopulateTable(self):actlayer = qgis.utils.iface.activeLayer() ...
Feature description Let's imagine having dozens of layers with the same data structure but with different names, every time we change layers all the table formatting is lost. So it would be very useful to have the ability to preserve, in...
I noticed the bug using an fgdb which I can not share, but I don't think the source matters, I think it has something to do with the way the attribute table handles an fgdb. natura2000.gdb.zip Add the layer in QGIS, open the Attribute Table, Delete field "vhnNew", click Save ...
On MacOS Ventura QGIS 3.28 Tried to install the plugin but got the following error: Couldn't load plugin 'RasterAttributeTable' due to an error when calling its initGui() method RuntimeError: crs=EPSG:3857&format&type=xyz&url=https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs%3Ds%26x%3D%7Bx%7D%26y%...
TypeError: EarthEngineRasterDataProvider.readNativeAttributeTable() missing 1 required positional argument: 'errorMessage' Currently no data is loading. Makes me think there is another error (in the script) which cannot be shown due to this issue. Why is the argument not provided? QGIS version: ...
Author Name: Donkagen2 - (Donkagen2 -) Original Redmine Issue: 2191 Redmine category:gui Assignee: Jürgen Fischer If the attribute table column width is increased from the default, when editing a text field the visible editing text strin...