2.An object associated with and serving to identify a character, personage, or office:Lightning bolts are an attribute of Zeus. 3.GrammarA word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies; for example,my sister'sandbrowninmy sister's brown dog. ...
2.An object associated with and serving to identify a character, personage, or office:Lightning bolts are an attribute of Zeus. 3.GrammarA word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies; for example,my sister'sandbrowninmy sister's brown dog. ...
2.An object associated with and serving to identify a character, personage, or office:Lightning bolts are an attribute of Zeus. 3.GrammarA word or phrase syntactically subordinate to another word or phrase that it modifies; for example,my sister'sandbrowninmy sister's brown dog. ...