jetbrains家族的新版webStorm、phpStorm等工具都已支持vue,不需要自己再安装Vue.js插件,对vue单文件组件支持挺好。 但是在html文件中直接引入的方式使用vue时IDE可能默认不支持vue的代码提示补全,还会有 "Attribute v-xxx is not allowed here"这样的提示,如下图这样 参考jetbrains的vue.js插件源码说明里面这段话: If...
那么,在开发过程中,会遇到java.lang.SecurityException: Not allowed to bind to service Intent绑定服务失败的问题,依次按照下面的过程即可解决: 1、manifest文件中的service声明加属性:android:process=”:remote” android:exported=”true”,并且要添加的action。 <service android:name=”com.idengpan.exserv.RemoteS...
Attribute is not allowed here FollowFollowed by 5 people Permanently deleted user Created August 1, 2016 at 7:24 PMHi,I'm totally new to PHP storm (evaluating the software) and I have a lot off warnings in my .js files:Car inspected The editor is not accepting the data- attributes?
我已经从github克隆了这个项目,并在androidstudio中打开了它。我是通过下载zip文件并在androidstudio中打开project来实现的。这个克隆的项目是在sdkversion23上实现的。通过这样做,项目构建是成功的,但是我在manifest.xml文件和main_activity.xml文件中得到了“android:attribute is not allowed here”错误。这说明所有属性...
"Attribute v-xxx is not allowed here"这样的提示,如下图这样 参考jetbrains的vue.js插件源码说明里面这段话: If you’re using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, PhpStorm, PyCharm, or RubyMine, install Vue.js plugin in Preferences | Plugins - Install JetBrains plugins. ...
问题描述 今天在使用 “cordova build android” 的时候,发现报下面的错误 ERROR: In <declare-style...
@Autowired is not applicable to local variable 视频写代码,视频没错,我错了,IDEA一直标红,对象不能注入提示@Autowiredisnotapplicable to local variable,还提示privatenotallowedhere.对着代码看了半天,没错啊,一毛一样。网上搜索了这个问题。结果是代码没错,位置放错了,放在了方法体内,晕。。。细节啊 ...
When Using IntelliJ Ultimate with Stencil which itself user JSX syntax i get the class is not allowed here warning. But class is the proper way to style in Stencil, which can be seen here 1 Share 3 com...
解决transaction-manager Attribute transaction-manager is not allowed here 参考此博主的文章 分类:Spring 醉忆清吟 粉丝-1关注 -3 +加关注
This API is not CLS-compliant. Cast the value of this XAttribute to a Nullable<T> of Int64. C# Copy [System.CLSCompliant(false)] public static explicit operator long?(System.Xml.Linq.XAttribute? attribute); Parameters attribute XAttribute The XAttribute to cast to a Nullable<T> of Int6...