I would create an event layer in ArcMap selecting values from a table with a sql query. In particular I would like to select the row with the maximum value of an attribute, so I thinked a sql query as: RealPosition.Easting = ( SELECT MAX ( RealPosition.Easti...
For four of the instruments included in the study, utilities were calculated using algorithms provided by the instruments’ authors: SF-6D [10], HUI 3 [11], 15D [12] and AQoL-8D [13]. The 5-level EQ-5D-5L utilities were obtained from the crosswalk published by the EuroQoL Group [14...
http://article.sciencepublishinggroup.com/html/10.11648.j.ajmp.s.2016050401.16.html Pang XF, Chen S, Wang X, Zhong L (2016) Influences of electromagnetic energy on bio-energy transport through protein molecules in living systems and its experimental evidence. Int J Mol Sci 17(8):1130 Article...
Multi-attribute utility instruments (MAUIs) are increasingly being used as a means of quantifying utility for the calculation of quality-adjusted life-years within the context of cost utility analysis. Traditionally, MAUIs have been developed and applied in adult populations. However, increasingly, rese...
It is, however, in agreement with the findings of Tuz et al., who reported that otalgia was experienced by 8% of their control group participants [38]. Otalgia may be a result of pain within the ear or 'referred pain,' i.e., due to pain in structures around the ear or other ...
The Protestant Work Ethic (PWE) is a powerful force in Western culture with far reaching effects on our values and judgments. While research on PWE as a cu
Set zj = ([yαj , yβj ], yλj1 , yλj2 , . . . , yλjr ) (j = 1, 2, . . . , n) as a group of LCHVs in Y = {yl|l ∈ [0, q]}, along with its weight ωj ∈ [0, 1] for ∑nj=1 ωj = 1, then the aggregation result of Equation (3) is still a ...
Maps of Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI), GeoModel Solar Sro Bratislava Slovakia; Infodocfree-Sol.-Radiat.-Maps-GHI; World Bank Group: Washington, DC, USA, 2016. 9. Hermann, S.; Miketa, A.; Fichaux, N. Estimating the Renewable Energy Potential in Africa: A GIS-Based Approach; IRENA...
In the table, |*| is the number of elements in the group *, Lp is the average element length in the linear group of order p. NKS is the number of KSs, S is the collection of attributes, which is defined at initialization, SU is the attribute set held by the user. To make the ...
The issue of the supplier selection is reduced by using the neutrosophic group ANP-TOPSIS method [59], while the evaluation of e-government websites uses the neutrosophic VIKOR method [60]. Other interesting work on MADM is diverse in its direction [61–73]. Keeping in mind the structure ...