使用该菜单可将属性加载到“属性编辑器”(Attribute Editor)中,并定义哪些项目会显示在“选定/对象”(Selected/Object)菜单中。 固定选项卡 单击“固定选项卡”(Pin Tab)图标 可保持选定选项卡的加载状态,即使在场景中进行了其他选择也是如此。请参见在属性编辑器中固定选项卡。 选定/对象 (Selected/Object) ...
Attribute editors can be invoked by double-clicking the individual attributes or on the attributes tab from the corresponding data store. The Attribute Editor has the following tabs: 6.2.1Definition PropertiesDescription NameThe name of the attribute, as recognized by the data server. ...
Upon starting the program using the command syntax BAtte (Batch Attribute Editor) at the command-line, the user is presented with the first of two dialog interfaces: the first screen for input of attribute data; the second for drawing selection....
アトリビュート エディタ(Attribute Editor)上部の各タブでは、表示されているノードに接続されているノードを選択できます。 ヒント: タブをピンで固定(Pin Tab)アイコン をクリックすると、シーン内で別の選択を行う場合でも、選択したタブをロードしたままにすることができます。 チ...
[Android.Runtime.Register("editorExtras")] public const int EditorExtras = 16843300; Field Value Value = 16843300 Int32 Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms ...
Click the widget icon to open the Batch Attribute Editor widget. Select the layer or layers to be updated. To filter the features in the layer, click theEdittool in the filter column and add an expression. Choose a tool or a feature to draw on the map (this is based on your configura...
EditorExtras 編輯文字背景 編輯文字顏色 EditTextPreferenceStyle EditTextStyle EffectColor ElegantTextHeight 海拔 橢圓形 Ems 啟用 啟用返回調用回應功能 啟用文字樣式快速鍵 啟用VR模式 結束 EndColor EndX EndY 結束年份 EnforceNavigationBarContrast EnforceStatusBarContrast EnterFadeDuration 條目 EntryValues 事件...
On theAttribute Editortab, clickhomeMDB, and then clickEdit. Type or paste thedistinguishedNamevalue into theValuebox, and then clickOK. This value resembles the following: CN=Mailbox Database,CN=<StorageGroupName>,CN=InformationStore,CN=<MailboxServerName>,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative ...
EditorExtras EditTextBackground EditTextColor EditTextPreferenceStyle EditTextStyle EffectColor ElegantTextHeight Elevation 橢圓形 Ems 啟用 EnableOnBackInvokedCallback EnableTextStylingShortcuts EnableVrMode 結束 EndColor EndX EndY EndYear EnforceNavigationBarContrast EnforceStatusBarContrast EnterFadeDuration 項...
For more information, seeBuilding a query expression. OpenEvent Editorand, if prompted, sign in toPortal for ArcGISorArcGIS Online. Click theEdittab. Click theLayerdrop-down arrow and choose the event layer, network layer, or point feature layer on which you want to run the query. ...