n,plattorneys generalorattorney generals 1.(Law) a country's chief law officer and senior legal adviser to its government 2.(Law) (in the US) the chief law officer and legal adviser of a state government 3.(Law) (in some states of the US) a public prosecutor ...
Pakistan attorney general quits amid graft disputeCHRIS BRUMMITT
ISLAMABAD, Aug. 24 (Xinhua) -- Exiled former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif could be arrested on his return, Pakistan's Attorney General Malik Muhammad Qayyum said here on Friday. Qayyum told reporters that Sharif's return was in violation of the undertaking to remain out of Pakistan ...
“A county board of elections, or multiple county board of elections…may now seek to change the result of a race in the 2024 General Election—such as the nationwide race for President or control of the U.S. Senate—under the majority’s order,” attorneys for the GOP w...
Jay Sekulow presented the first of his 12 arguments before the Supreme Court at the age of 30, arguing the cause before the High Court. At the time, he was a member of the Board of Directors for Jews for Jesus and served as its General Counsel. ...
U.S., India, and Pakistan. Recently, Waris came to Nepal as a guest of the U.S. State Department to give a severallectures, both in English and Hindi, about Nepal’s new charter. Waris explained the uniqueness of these documents to me in this way: a constitution is like a tailored ...
Pakistan holding 700 suspected militants without charge – Attorney GeneralJennifer RowlandForeign Policy
Joshua KeatingForeign Policy