Gersten & Gersten, one of Connecticut’s oldest and most respected law firms, has been successfully representing clients in State and Federal Courts since 1946. Our trial experience covers a range of practice areas including Personal Injury, Probate, Real Estate, Matrimonial and Domestic Relations,...
attorney general's bill【法】 呈送给大陪审团的诉状 general power of attorney【经】 全权代理委任, 全权委托书, 全权代理权 相似单词 Attorney General(英国)检察总长,(美国)司法部长 attorney general检察总长 attorneyn. 1.【美】律师 2.(根据委任状的)法定代理人 ...
the Company in general meeting or a resolution of the Board, may specify that the [...] 就任何類別股份宣派股息的決議案,不論是本公司股東大會決議案或 董事會決議 案,均可訂明該股息應付予或分派予於某一日期收市後登記為有關股份持 有人的人士,儘管該日期可以是在通過決議案之日...
12. Attorney-general of the United States, is an officer appointed by the president. He should be learned in the law, and be sworn or affirmed to a faithful execution of his office. 13. His duties are to prosecute and conduct all suits in the supreme court, in which the United States...
The privilege remains an exception to the general rule that individuals must testify to all facts within their knowledge. Rooted in ancient principles, it fosters trust within this important relationship and helps attorneys to develop fully their clients' cases by encouraging complete disclosure of ...
business counseling and general commercial agreements. The prospective candidate must possess excellent analytical, legal, oral and written communication skills. Salary Range: $150,000 – $180,000, depending on the candidate’s overall experience and other job related factors permitted by law. Job loc...
On April 26, 2011, the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Vermont data mining case, Sorrell v. IMS Health Inc. Respondents claim this is the most important commercial speech case in a decade. Petitioner (the State of Vermont) argues this is the most important medical privacy...
Supp. 2d 739, 744 (S.D. IA 2008) (“These modifications do not appear to be based on any sort of empirical data, and the Court has been unable to locate any particular rationale for them beyond the general revulsion that is associated with child exploitation-related offenses. It should ...
Because the Court of Appeals found no wavier of the privilege, it did not address the work product protections argued in favor of the protective order. The Supreme Court remanded the work product analysis to the Court of Appeals. This opinion is consistent with the general principles of Rule ...
c. The Attorney General of British Columbia and the Medical Services Commission Respondents Le procureur ge´ne´ral de la Colombie- Britannique et la Medical Services Commission Intime´s and et The Attorney General of Canada, the Attorney General for Ontario, the Attorney General of Manitoba...