Attorney General Brown launches voter fraud hotline targeting BellBethania Palma Markus
ALLEGATION: Client violated probation by failing to report ("absconding") and committing a new felony of Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Forgery. Client was on probation for 7 counts of Obtaining a Controlled Substance by Fraud, 6 counts of Forgery, and 6 counts of Criminal Use of Personal...
we were able to see … that there was not material fraud in the county of York to have changed the York County election,” he said. “I can’t speak to any other place.”
We will also tell our attorney members to contact the Attorney General’s Consumer Fraud hotline and that number is 866-9-NO-SCAM, and there is also another Consumer Services — Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services has an 800-HELP-FLA. And both of those agencies are defini...
You should give a general sense of how much you can afford. For example, you could say, “It’s for a DUI charge. We don’t need anyone too expensive but we want someone experienced.” Attorneys are often a good source of referrals, since they know the reputations of other attorneys...
ST. LOUIS * For those who suspect voter fraud on Election Day Tuesday, the city's chief...Moore, Doug