德国Diener等离子清洗机Zepto,Atto,Femto,Pico,Nano,PlasmaBea世界上材料处理低温等离子体设备的市场和技术者。Diener采用的集成化技术开发生产射频频率为40KHz 、80KHz、13.56MHz,以及代表等离子应用技术的2.45GHz的等离子清洗机。 【详细说明】 德国Diener等离子清洗机Zepto,Atto,Femto,Pico,Nano,PlasmaBeam ...
o powers of 10. Table (1.2) shows these prefixes. Table 1.2 : SI prefixes Power of 10 Prefix Symbol 18 exa peta tera giga mega kilo hecto deka deci centi milli micro nano - - III- pico femto atto Solution Verifi...
microvolt - a unit of potential equal to one millionth of a volt nanovolt - a unit of potential equal to one billionth of a volt picovolt - a unit of potential equal to one trillionth of a volt femtovolt - a unit of potential equal to one quadrillionth of a volt (or one thousandt...
• cGy ↔ uGy [microgray] • cGy ↔ nGy [nanogray] • cGy ↔ pGy [picogray] • cGy ↔ fGy [femtogray] • cGy ↔ aGy [attogray] • aGy ↔ rd [rad] • aGy ↔ mrd [millirad] • aGy ↔ urd [microrad] • aGy ↔ J/kg ...