In tradition western culture, male is believed to be the creator. In the Bible, the Lord God is male, and so is Jesus Christ. The story can be regarded as a case to show that man is born with the ability to create. Influenced by the Bible, people tend to hold the idea that Adam,...
In many ways, the self-concept can be viewed as the cognitive component of the self, which will have consequences for self-esteem. This is parallel to research on the cognitive components of attitudes (e.g., thoughts or beliefs relevant to the attitude object). In attitudes, knowing the ...
There are three basic components that contribute to a person’s attitude. One is “cognitive component”. This pertains to what a person knows and what a person believes. The way a person acts or reacts to certain things are greatly influenced by his/her own knowledge and experience. The ...
The next part shows the difference decomposed into explained and unexplained components. The former tells how much of the difference can be attributed to the urban-rural difference in covariates; the latter, equal to the total difference minus the explanatory component, measures the difference in at...
Besides, the users tend to follow rules better if they are also given the reason/why.How Might Weexplain why the users are required to follow certain rules? Ex. The reason why seats are told to be kept upright and tray tables have to be closed while take-off/landing is to allow the ...
teacher who has come to his last birth in samsára (the Buddhist cycle of existence). Even Mahayana traditions, which tend to think in terms of transcendental Buddhas, do not directly make a claim for Buddha as God. Thus the Buddha cannot be considered as playing a God-like role in ...
“, in:Lexicology: An Interna-tional Journal on the Structure of Vocabulary, 2,1 – 33.1.Introduction2.Definition and components3.Origin and change4.Attitude and behaviour5.Functions6.Language attitudes7.Conclusion8.Literature (selected)1. IntroductionAlthough this term was first used bySpencer in ...
and findings from preliminary studies to comprehensively understand the effects of ER applications on student achievement. The outcomes were structured around four main components: loops, conditions, variables in programming, and robotics achievements. These outcomes were included in the achievement test aft...
the threshold components while the sociodemographic factors: sex (male or female), education (no formal education, primary, secondary, or college), age (<30 years, 31–40 years or >40 years), and period of stay in the area (<5 years or >5 years) were taken to be the location ...
Soft Skills areyour personality qualities, habits, attitudes, and even social graces. Unlike hard skills, which can be evaluated by alogic intelligence test(IQ), soft skills tend to use your heart and are evaluated by anemotional intelligence test(EQ). This isright brainstuff – artistic, creat...