pinMode (INSTOUT,OUTPUT); pinMode (CLKOUT,OUTPUT); pinMode (DATAIN,OUTPUT); //在编程模式下配置为输入 // RSB”增强功能“ //将蜂鸣器接地 pinMode (GND,OUTPUT); digitalWrite (GND,LOW ); //打开电源指示灯 pinMode (PWRLED,OUTPUT); //蜂鸣器/蜂鸣器 pinMode (BUZZ,OUTPUT); digitalWrite (PWR...
macros #define pinInput(x) DDRB &= ~(1<<(x)) // set pin to INPUT ...
–When using external clock, avoid setting the clock pin as Output. –Do not read the EEPROM if power down power consumption is important. –Use VCC lower than 4.5 Volts. 2. DebugWIRE looses communication when single stepping into interrupts When receiving an interrupt during single steppin...
B,C etc. Each port has a number of pins which are labeled 0,1,2,3 etc and stick out on different parts of the chip which is why amicrocontroller's physical pin often time will be different than the pin number used when programming the chip....
The connections are as follows:按以下方式连接UNO和ATtiny85的引脚 UNO PIN ATTINY85 PIN 5V 8 GND 4 D10 1 D11 5 D12 6 D13 7 There is also an extra wire on the Uno, going from RESET to the top right pin on the ISP header – this holds the RESET pin high and keeps the Uno from...
The Port B output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port B pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistors are activated. The Port B pins are tri-stated when a reset condition becomes active, ...
I assume as well that the FT232RL serial to usb adapter is connected, otherwise connect it reset the attiny85 connecting the RESET pin (pin1) to GND (just a moment) hit repeatedly the buttons of your remote and checkout the screen window, you need to annotate the last number for each ...
t). The Port B output buffers have symmetrical drive characteristics with both high sink and source capability. As inputs, Port B pins that are externally pulled low will source current if the pull-up resistor s are activated. The Port B pins are tri-stated when a reset condition beco...
The connections are as follows:按以下方式连接UNO和ATtiny85的引脚 There is also an extra wire on the Uno, going from RESET to the top right pin on the ISP header – this holds the RESET pin high and keeps the Uno from resetting and being accidentally reprogrammed instead of passing on its...
DDRB =0b00000010;// set PB1 as output (for the speaker) PCMSK =0b00000001;// pin change mask: listen to portb bit 1 GIMSK |=0b00100000;// enable PCINT interrupt sei();// enable all interrupts } // Arduino stuff - loop