Modern communications use high frequencies so other mediums which have a flat attenuation across all frequencies, such as fiber optics are used instead of traditional copper circuits. Different types of attenuation include: Deliberate attenuation can occur for example where a volume control is used ...
Definition: a logarithmic measure of the power attenuation, or the refractive index Alternative term: absorbance Category: general optics DOI: 10.61835/6zs Cite the article: BibTex plain textHTML Link to this page LinkedIn The term optical density is used with two different meanings: Optical Densit...
The theoretical fiber cutoff wavelength, or “theoretical fiber cutoff”, or “theoretical cutoff”, for a given mode, is the wavelength above which guided light cannot propagate in that mode. A mathematical definition can be found in Single Mode Fiber Optics, Jeunhomme, pp. 39-44, Marcel De...