When the “Attention! Your Computer Is In Danger” pop-up ad is displayed in your browser it will show this message:ATTENTION! Your computer is in danger We have detected a virus on your computer You need to remove viruses from your computer !! Viruses Found (5) !! Click IMMEDIATELY To...
Without a bit of self-reflection you won't be able to make the first steps towards self-control, which is key in being able to control your thoughts – which in turn will have a direct effect on your emotions and their influence on others. With prac- tice your...
Our aim is to provide a ‘first principle’ account of endogenous attention that emphasises the intimate relationships between overt attention and saccadic searches, and covert attention and salience. Imagine that you are at your desk and looking around for your red pen. How could one account for...
VR uses computer graphics, sounds, and images to reproduce electronic versions of real-life situations. The term was first introduced by Jaron Lanier in 1989, who is considered the father of VR [10]. There are various input and output devices that are used to create immersion in the virtual...