Radio frequency (RF) fingerprinting is a challenging and important technique for individual identification of wireless devices. Recent work has applied deep learning-based classifiers to ADS-B signals without missing aircraft ID information. However, traditional methods are not very effective in...
Firstly, the changing trend of the low-frequency component is smoother than that of the original signal, and is roughly consistent with the latter. It indicates that the noise interference would be effectively removed by VMD. Secondly, the influence of seasonal factors on load forecasting needed ...
A more efficient classification method that integrates image and spectral information is needed to enhance classification accuracy and robustness. To address the aforementioned challenges, this study combined spatial domain image and hyperspectral information, leveraging deep learning techniques to propose a ...
Unfortunately, concerning mobile traffic, the characteristics of mobile apps frustrate the translation of website fingerprinting for mobile traffic classification, proven in the experiments of [9]. On the one hand, mobile traffic is often dynamic because it is the users’ various behaviours that ...