[ECCV 2022] What to Hide from Your Students: Attention-Guided Masked Image Modeling - gkakogeorgiou/attmask
Pretraining vision transformers (ViT) with attention guided masked image modeling (MIM) has shown to increase downstream accuracy for natural image analysis. Hierarchical shifted window (Swin) transformer, often used in medical image analysis cannot use attention guided masking as it lacks an explicit...
AttMask: "What to Hide from Your Students: Attention-Guided Masked Image Modeling", ECCV, 2022 (National Technical University of Athens). [Paper][Code] SLIP: "SLIP: Self-supervision meets Language-Image Pre-training", ECCV, 2022 (Berkeley + Meta). [Paper][Code] mc-BEiT: "mc-BEiT: Mult...
Our model is developed through a two-step process: data preprocessing followed by the application of an attention-guided FSL process. This latter step encompasses patch extraction, performer attention, patch embedding, informative patch selection, masked image modeling, and the FSL application. The ...
Dual Attention Guided Gaze Target Detection in the Wild Yi Fang1∗, Jiapeng Tang1∗, Wang Shen1, Wei Shen2†, Xiao Gu1, Li Song1†, Guangtao Zhai1† 1Institute of Image Communication and Network Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 2MoE Key Lab of Artifici...
The colour/shape task is performed on a two-by-two grid scene, whose quadrants are initially masked. Attending to a quadrant unmasks the object in that quadrant (see Fig.2B). In this task, certain objects are associated with certain contexts. These contexts can be seen as rules that state...
The model takes the masked partial sequences and backbone structures as input and learns to reconstruct the whole sequence. During inference, the input partial sequence to ProRefiner could be constructed in two ways. In partial sequence design scenarios where only some residues need to be designed...
Masked graph attention:只允许邻接节点参与当前节点的注意力机制中 每个节点都经过一个共享的线性变换将输入特征转换为高维特征以获得足够表达力。再利用softmaxt对某节点及其邻域节点的变换输出进行归一化。为了稳定自注意力的学习过程,使用K头注意力机制分别独立的使用K个注意力机制进行变换。
AttMask: "What to Hide from Your Students: Attention-Guided Masked Image Modeling", ECCV, 2022 (National Technical University of Athens). [Paper][PyTorch] SLIP: "SLIP: Self-supervision meets Language-Image Pre-training", ECCV, 2022 (Berkeley + Meta). [Paper][Pytorch] mc-BEiT: "mc-BEiT:...
Code Issues Pull requests Implementation of Muse: Text-to-Image Generation via Masked Generative Transformers, in Pytorch deep-learning transformers artificial-intelligence text-to-image attention-mechanisms Updated Feb 29, 2024 Python lucidrains / phenaki-pytorch Star 720 Code Issues Pull requests ...