The recent surge in medical treatment for attention-deficit disorder, especially among preschoolers,8 may be a reflection of a widespread parental perception that their children are “too active.” Parents will often use the term active to describe a young child who garners their attention by ...
These children received the diagnosis because their symptoms resemble ADHD, but were “just being restless children,” in reality. The same could be said for adolescents and young adults, especially college kids. Because some colleges/universities and businesses were closed down, many young people ...
The findings are not an indication that the children have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderor that they will be diagnosed with ADHD at a later date, Schantz said. However, the children seem to be having more trouble with attention than peers of the same age who were less exposed or not...
at·ten·tion deficit disorder (ə-tĕn′shən) A condition whose symptoms include impulsiveness and a short attention span. It is usually diagnosed in childhood and can interfere with performance at school, in the workplace, and in social situations. ♦ Attention deficit disorder in which...
4. diagnosed;考查上下文理解以及推理判断能力.根据第七段" "The children we identified as having attention difficulties were not diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(ADHD注意力缺乏多动症), although some may have had the disorder."我们发现有注意力障碍的孩子并没有被诊断为注意力缺陷多...
It is usually diagnosed in childhood and can interfere with performance at school, in the workplace, and in social situations. ♦ Attention deficit disorder in which hyperactivity is present is called attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The American Heritage® Student Science Dictionary, Second...
Effects of kids attention problems Though not (4)___ with ADHD, children with more modest inattention can suffer from negative academic outcome:*If a kid has early attention difficulties, he will have lower grades than his peers by fifth grade and also do poorly in (5)___.*The impact ...
The Facts on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is the most common chronic health problem that affects millions of children. It is most common in young male children, although, female children and young adults may also be diagnosed. ADHD is usually noticed...
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (DEF-ih-sit hy-per-ak-TIV-ih-tee) Disorder, or ADHD, is a common developmental disorder that affects both children and adults, although it is usually diagnosed in childhood. ADHD affects a person's ability to study, learn, work, play, and even socialize with...
that the children have attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorderor that they will be diagnosed with ADHD at a later date, Schantz said. However, the children seem to be having more trouble with attention than peers of the same age who were less exposed or not exposed to acetaminophen in the ...