The meaning of ATTENDEE is a person who is present on a given occasion or at a given place. How to use attendee in a sentence.
The meaning of ATTENDEE is a person who is present on a given occasion or at a given place. How to use attendee in a sentence.
Attendee definition: a person who is present at a specific time or place. See examples of ATTENDEE used in a sentence.
The section headings in these Terms of Service are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretations of these Terms of Service. Integration; Non-Reliance; Remedies Cumulative These Terms of Service, including the terms incorporated by reference herein, consti...
Attendant and attendee do not have the same meaning. By the way thank you. Vedi una traduzione snowbound3303 18 apr 2018 Inglese (Stati Uniti) Attendee and attender aren’t really words we use. Try “guest” if it’s someone who is attending something or “host” if someone is ...
Well, I don't. The verb to attend comes from the Latin, meaning "to stretch to." From this developed the meaning "to direct the mind or energy to," and later "to direct one's care to." The meaning "to present oneself at a meeting" is dated back to the 17th century. The ...
When you access the housing portal and enter your search criteria, the available hotels and rooms are displayed in real-time, meaning other users with access to the housing site may be considering the same inventory as you. Until you select a specific room type to begin the checkout process...
ATTENDEE meaning: a person who is present at an event, meeting, etc., or at a particular place
不要与法语-ée混淆,它是一个女性名词结尾(如fiancée),来自拉丁语-ata。 attendee的使用趋势 改编自 Ngrams 数据仅供参考。 分享"attendee" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofattendee
The sense of "take care of, wait upon" is from mid-14c.; that of "endeavor to do" is from c. 1400. The meaning "to pay attention" is from early 15c.; that of "accompany and render service to" (someone) is from mid-15c., as is that of "be in attendance." The meaning "to...