Introducing TrackIt - the ultimate Google Meet attendance tracker extension! Trackit takes the hassle out of tracking attendance by providing detailed reports on who attended your meetings and how much. With easy installation and seamless integration wit
一旦您成功安装了此扩展程序,只要您在上参加会议,就会在Google Meet UI的左下方显示一个名为“ Track Attendance”的新按钮,单击该按钮后,出席情况跟踪脚本将自动启动并显示如何只要监视与会者的时间,然后再次单击该按钮,便会生成与会者报告。与会者报告将包含以下详细信息:1.与会者跟踪开始时间,2....
Trackit is an attendance tracker tool. Trackit is the solution for saving attendance in google meet video calls. It's totally free to use and anyone can customise it as per their needs. Automatically save attendance during google meet video calls. The extension records attendance automatically wh...
Google meet attendance taker google meet absentees gmeet attendence meet attendence gmeet absentees Google Meet attendance collector google meet breakout google meet party google meet vitual google meet Timer google meet grid gmeet attend anywhere attendance gmeet gmeet attendance tracker gmeet attendees ...
Total number of downloads as of today: 191841. No additional software or add-ons to install: our templates work out-of-the-box with Excel, Numbers, OpenOffice, and Google Sheets.table of contentEmployee Attendance Tracker The free attendance calendar template is one of my popular excel ...
Attendance Tracker for Studentsis another feature-packed Android attendance app. This app has all the features you need in an attendance app along with notification and alert. In this app, you can sign up with your social media accounts to backup and restore data. ...