连接vnc时出现 attempting to reconnect to vnc server 自己用的vnc连接 centos出现的错误zlibinstream:exceeded bytesIn, 意思就是:试图重新连接到vnc服务器 ,类似于数据流溢出; 根据网上小伙伴的建议 调整 画质为 最低,再试试应该就没问题 如不行,多切换几次画质就可以。
现象:手机VNC远程连接电脑时没有任何问题,但是只要电脑锁定屏幕后就无法连接,一直显示在 “Attempting to reconnect to VNC server...”,具体如下图: 在VNC客户端上将“图像质量”改为低,然后再连接试试,可以在这几个“图像质量”中都尝试下,找到适合自己设备的连接画质 --- 江 西风景独好! 滕王阁序 唐·...
设置jetson nano VNC 2019-12-25 12:29 −解決nvidia Jetson無法遠端VNC問題,當你要開啟桌面分享的功能時,都會跳出錯誤訊息,導致無法使用遠端桌面分享的功能 研究了幾天之後,解決方案如下: 開啟終端機指令視窗,分次執行以下程式, 一、安裝VINO:VNC Server sudo apt updatesudo apt... ...
Today, I finally used the media creation tool to create a setup for the upgrade using a USB drive. It went through the motions of doing what all the other upgrade attempts did, and it took just as long as the others did and it failed just as the others did. ...