Automatic audible warning of an attempted theft of a vehicle to stopFOURNIER ANDRE
Anti-theft locking mechanism for vehicle - includes capsules of irritant chemical released after attempted forcing of magnetic lockThe system includes a mobile element which is U-shaped and made of square section tube. The U-shape encloses the item intended to be retained by the lock, e.g. ...
The motor vehicle has a sensor for detecting an intrusion or attempted theft, and a unit activated by the detected intrusion or attempted theft for producing an alarm signal perceivable in the surrounding of the motor vehicle. The motor vehicle has a controllable suspension with an actuator, ...
Anti-theft locking mechanism for vehicle - includes capsules of irritant chemical released after attempted forcing of magnetic lockThe system includes a mobile element which is U-shaped and made of square section tube. The U-shape encloses the item intended to be retained by the lock, e.g. ...
Sound alarm indicating the automatic flight or attempted theft of a motor vehicleLEBEUF LUCIEN-ALBERT
< / p & gt; & lt; p & gt; the invention is applicable to indicate the break-in or attempted theft of a motor vehicle. < / p>
A device preventing the flight and triggers an alarm signal in the event of attempted theft or of a motor vehicle or any otherANDRE MARK