is, application-specificactivitiesthatattempttoreverse the effects of a previous activity [...] 所以,业务流程中的错误处理在很大程度上依赖于众所周知的补偿概念,也就是说,企图撤消先前的活动的效果的特定于应用程序的活动,其中,“先前的活动”是正在被放弃的较大的工作单元的一部分。
believes to be an attempt to unlawfully abduct him/her, other employees of the company or a person whom he/she is under contract to protect; (d) to prevent or put a stop to the commission of a serious crime that would involve or involves a grave threat to life or of serious bodily ...
reasonably believes to beanattempttounlawfully abduct him/her, other employees of the company or a person whom he/she is under contract to protect; (d) to prevent or put a stop to the commission of a serious crime that would involve or involves a grave threat to life or of serious ...
person to drive or attempt to drive or is in charge of a motor vehicle on road under the [...] (v) 任何人在任何道路上駕駛或企圖駕 駛或 正在掌管汽 車,而該人當時是受任何藥物的影響,其程度達到 沒有能力妥當地控制該汽車,即屬犯罪;這項罪行 是現行的“一...
In Hume’s spirit, I will attempt to serve as an ambassador from my world of economics, and help in “finding topics of conversation fit for the entertainment of rational creatures.” In Hume’s spirit, I will attempt to serve as an ambassador from my wo
Summary An attempt was made to induce scrapie in local crossbred sheep. The inoculum used consisted of brain suspension from a diseased sheep of the Suffolk breed that had naturally contracted scrapie. Ten sheep from two crossbreds were infected intracerebrally, two via the conjunctiva, and ten...
This study aimed to (1) elaborate on microblogging-based instruction, which was built on social media platform X and designed based on the four phases of t
50 – 3:clarusAnchisaeVenerisquesanguis,/impetret,bellanteprior, iacentem/lenisinhostem(arecentcommentary onthispoemis providedbyThomas2011).ThecivilizingmissionofRomeis alsoexpressedbythethemeof “givinglaws” to thesubjected,whichoftenislinkedto thatof clemencytowards thedefeatedenemies(seee. g. Verg...
V e n k a t a c h a l a m P a n t u l u G a r u , Masulipatam, 1889.—This is an attempt to prove that the world was made out of nothing by a personal God, and that this theory is a much more reasonable supposition than those on which Hindu philosophy is founded....
Lopez-Narvaez ML, Tovilla-Zarate CA, Gonzalez-Castro TB, Juarez-Rojop I, Pool-Garcia S, Genis A, et al. Association analysis of TPH-1 and TPH-2 genes with suicidal behavior in patients with attempted suicide in Mexican population. Compr Psychiatry. 2015;61:72–7. Article PubMed Google...