api.nvim_buf_get_name(0):match("OUTLINE") ~= nil then vim.cmd("quit") @@ -338,8 +338,8 @@ local other_plugins = { -- = 展示 diff -- cc commit 信息 -- <enter> 打开文件 map('n', '<leader>g', ':G<CR>') -- 打开提交面板 map('n', '<leader>gb', ':G blame<CR...
1 attempt to index a nil value (global 'a') a.name="haha" 2、attempt to index a nil value (field 'name') a.name.first="haha" 3、attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil value (global 'a') a=nilprint(a+1) 二、数学计算,逻辑运算中有nil值 4、attempt to perform arithmetic on a ...
“attempt to index upvalue”是一个在Lua编程语言中常见的错误信息。这个错误通常表明你试图对一个upvalue(外部局部变量,即闭包中引用的外部函数的局部变量)进行索引操作,但这个upvalue实际上并不是一个可以通过索引访问的表(table)或数组。 2. 错误原因分析 在Lua中,upvalue是闭包(closure)中的一个关键概念,它允许...
Building went fine. And I can run and sometimes even use the client, but most of the time it will start but then just output: [[ERROR]] - ./data/library/core/base/base_world.lua:708: attempt to index upvalue 'env' (a nil value) every tim...
Error while running the on_init: Error when running interface function busy-bots.registerJob: __CpeBusyBots__/registry.lua:26: attempt to index upvalue '_ENV' (a nil value) stack traceback: __CpeConcreteer__/concreteer.lua:179: in function 'load' __CpeConcreteer__/control.lua:7: in...
attempt to..你所使用的变量不是数组,可能是空(nil,nil正好是逻辑类型a boolean value),检测你使用的变量来源,确定是数组再计算(我在弄哦Metatable课程时常出现的错误!至今Metatab
I can't seem to get rid of this error (' ?:0: attempt to call upvalue '?' (a nil value) '). What is "?:0:" ? Thanks in advance for any help! script: local LrApplication = import 'LrApplication'local LrDialogs = import 'LrDialogs'local LrFileUtils = import 'LrFile...
Runtime error: ?:-1: attempt to index a nil value (field 'color')stack traceback:[C]: in function 'import.error'?: in upvalue '?'?: in function 'import.import'?: in main chunk 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2020-05-04 19:50回复 ...
:-1: attempt to index a nil value (field 'color') stack traceback: [C]: in function 'import.error' ?: in upvalue '?' ?: in function 'import.import' ?: in main chunk 分享278 openwrt吧 白衣半阙 /usr/lib/lua/luci/cbi.lua:44: attempt to concatenate local '/usr/lib/lua/luci/...