Roblox Lua error Value is not a valid member of Player, I don't try accessing that though 0 Roblox - attempt to index nil with 'leaderstats' 0 Roblox leaderstats will not display 0 Attempt to index nil with 'leaderstats' 0 Roblox Studio- attempt to index nil with 'leaderstats' ...
Roblox: ServerScriptService.DamagableManager:48: attempt to index local 'mouse' (a nil value) 1 Roblox - Argument 1 missing or nil 1 Roblox Studio: CharacterAdded is not a valid member of Players 0 Roblox Studio "attempt to concatenate nil with string" 0 How To fix...
hi, m pro_developer213 and i wanted to make a module script that can create a leaderstats that uses my own dataStore sistem but it get always this error: 78: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘Value’ (a nil value) …
0 Roblox Lua - attempt to index nil with 'stats' (leaderstats) 0 attempt to index nil with 'Name' error in roblox (lua) 2 Error: attempt to index nil with 'Agility' 0 Attempt to index nil with Instance 0 attempt to index nil with 'Character' Error Roblox Studio 0 Cont...