I reference a table value as an argument in this function: functionchangeD(arg)localdir =0repeatifcheckD() ==argthenprint("Done") dir =1elseturn(1,1)enduntildir ==1end the checkD() function returns one of the table values. Therefore the changeD() function runs until the value returne...
if IsStruct(valueType) then table.insert(__text_gen, tostring(GetCasterStatement(valueType, 3, "gen_value", true))) table.insert(__text_gen, ";\r\n\t\t\t\t\tgen_to_be_invoked[key] = gen_value;") else table.insert(__text_gen, tostring(GetCasterStatement(valueType, 3, "gen_to...
local cmp_lsp = require('cmp_nvim_lsp') local lsp_installer_servers = require('nvim-lsp-installer.servers') local requestedLSPServers = { bashls = {}, } for lsp, opts in pairs(requestedLSPServers) do local capabilities = cmp_lsp.default_capabilities(vim.lsp.protocol.make_client_capabilit...
Then I can't reconnect to the server as it hangs on Loading player data. The only way I found to make it work is to drop the database then recreate it. Here's more context: [ghmattimysql] [SUCCESS] Database server connection established. Sending heartbeat to https://servers-ingress-l...
错误消息“attempt to index local 'self' (a number value)”意味着在Lua语言中,你试图对一个名为self的局部变量进行索引操作(如访问其属性或方法),但self实际上被赋值为一个数字,而不是预期的对象或表(table)。在Lua中,索引操作通常用于访问表的字段或方法,但不适用于数字或其他非表类型。 2. 为什么会出现...
You're indexing local self, a number value. That means that somewhere you're doing something like self.dy where self is not a table but a number and using the index operator . on numbers is not allowed as it does not make any sense. The question is why self is not a table....
请问为什么 post]walkTo才传入一个参数呢,定义的不是两个参数吗 另外我出现了attempt to index local ‘_x’(a nil value)错误,请问该如何解决htlxyz (hugo) 2016年04月13日 07:30 #2 应该是cc.p的用法有问题 cc.p有这两种用法 local point1 = cc.p(0,0) local point2 = cc.p({x = 1, y...
四-五次里面有1次会一砍 游戏就报错。出现attempt to index local 'attacker'(anilvalue) LUA ERROR...
Hey, I need some quick assistance, I'm totally new to this whole for k, v in pairs stuff so bare with me So i'm trying to lower the deployed space, and placement to numbers so I can plant plants close together local prefabs = { "pinecone", "seeds", "pine
<link>https://forum.cocos.org/t/attempt-to-index-local-self-a-number-value/11892</link> <description>出现以下错误 LUA ERROR: :151: attempt to index local 'self' (a number value) function GamePlay:ctor() local timer = scheduler.scheduleGlobal(self.CountingTime, 1) end function GamePlay:Co...