I reference a table value as an argument in this function: functionchangeD(arg)localdir =0repeatifcheckD() ==argthenprint("Done") dir =1elseturn(1,1)enduntildir ==1end the checkD() function returns one of the table values. Therefore the changeD() function runs until the value returne...
错误消息“attempt to index local 'self' (a number value)”意味着在Lua语言中,你试图对一个名为self的局部变量进行索引操作(如访问其属性或方法),但self实际上被赋值为一个数字,而不是预期的对象或表(table)。在Lua中,索引操作通常用于访问表的字段或方法,但不适用于数字或其他非表类型。 2. 为什么会出现...
schedule lua callback: ...ender-markdown.nvim/lua/render-markdown/render/table.lua:357: attempt to index local 'first' (a nil value) stack traceback: ...ender-markdown.nvim/lua/render-markdown/render/table.lua:357: in function ...ender-markdown.nvim/lua/render-markdown/render/table...
local entity = FindEntity(inst, TUNING.SHADOWCREATURE_TARGET_DIST, function(guy)return guy:HasTag(...
Error executing vim.schedule lua callback: ...LazyVim/lua/lazyvim/plugins/extras/linting/nvim-lint.lua:52: attempt to index local 'linter' (a function value) stack traceback: ...LazyVim/lua/lazyvim/plugins/extras/linting/nvim-lint.lua:52: in function <...LazyVim/lua/lazyvim/plugins/...
gen wrap file fail! err=TemplateCommon:200: attempt to index a nil value (field 'FullName') stack traceback: TemplateCommon:200: in upvalue '_CsFullTypeName' TemplateCommon:218: in function 'CsFullTypeName' [string "luatemplate"]:563: in local 'callback' ...
This problem isn't happening in the other class I made called 'ball' which does exactly the same thing. I also defined self.dy, and it does have a value "0" so I don't know why it does that error and what that error means. local function include_helper(to, from, seen) ...
Hi, I am creating a custom QuickApp for Gree Air Conditioners on HC3, and I have the following issue when I would like to create the child device under my QuickApp: ./quickApp.lua:156: attempt to index a nil value (local 'child') Did anyone faced such is
This is what I have, and it simply tells me "attempt to index local 'v' (a string value)" Which I don't understand, why is it counting it as a string? I'm not sure if it's supposed to be "for k, v" or what but.. regardless it all has the same outcome.. ...
addTest.lua:9 attempt to index local 'testobj' (a userdata value) 经过几次尝试: 发现在 dll 的 其它函数 lua_getfield() 不会报错, 只有在 luaopen_xxx() 才会报 后面查了下文档, lua_touserdata() 不会改变堆栈(之前一直以为会 pop )