Attempt to fetch logical page (1:110) in database 17 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 72057594328317952 not to 281474980642816. 回到顶部 【2】据说是某个表的索引有问题了,需要重建下索引。 怎么知道是哪个表出问题呢? (1)可以先用dbcc page('[数据库名]',1,[PageID],3)获取页面信息, 找到Ob...
消息605,级别 21,状态 3,过程 usp_xxxxxxxxx,第 228 行 Attempt to fetch logical page (7:121808) in database 2 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 8358680970783621120 not to 5332262008984567808. 消息605,级别 21,状态 3,过程 usp_xxxxxxxxx,第 228 行 Attempt to fetch logical page (3:122376) ...
Attempt to fetch logical page (3:122376) in database 2 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 8574853753020284928 not to 5332262008984567808. 消息605,级别 21,状态 3,过程 usp_xxxxxxxxx,第 228 行 Attempt to fetch logical page (7:394) in database 2 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 7782220...
Assigning NULL value to column name using Case Statement of where is SQL SERVER 2008 atomic if not exists() and insert or update Attempt to fetch logical page (1:155534) in database 7 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 72057595430240256 not to 72057594197835776. Attempting to grow LOB ...
Please reinstall SQL Server to correct the file ? An Installation package for the product native client could not be found. Apply cumulative update without restart. Attempt to fetch logical page(1:1238923843) in database 13 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 232321331 not to 1321432134213 ...
Attempt to fetch logical page (7:394) in database 2 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 7782220197180997632 not to 1297036693380923392. 第一次遇到这个问题,首先我想到的是是否数据库tempdb是否有一致性错误问题,因为tempdb的database_id为2.于是我对tempdb数据库做了dbcc checkb 完整一致性检查,结果如下所...
while (@@fetch_status =0) begin exec ('drop procedure [r3t].[' + @name + ']') fetch next from allnames into @name end close allnames deallocate allnames - [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Attempt to fetch logical page (6:78) in database 5 failed. It belongs to ...
Attempt to fetch logical page (1:27232) in database 23 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 72057594049069056 not to 281474980642816.the first allocation unit # is sysobjvalues, and the second is g2_pluginparametermapthe table that the error happens on is g2_Item.CHECKDB returns this error...
Error log to show any unexpected error that occurred during executing deploy step TypeScript Copy errorLog: string Property Value string hasStarted Specifies whether deployment has started or not. TypeScript Copy hasStarted: boolean Property Value boolean ...
Attempt to fetch logical page (1:8019) in database 5 failed. It belongs to allocation unit 720575947 sas…… 重新生成出错表的索引就可以了