If one can attempt to commit a crime with an unintended-harm element, can one solicit or conspire with another to commit such an offense? Attempting the unintended: the problems with recognizing an attempted homicide offense that does not require proof of an intent-to-kill More results ► Di...
4.An attempt may be made though completion of the crime was physically impossible.虽然完成犯罪在实际上是不可能的,但仍可犯未遂罪。 5.Trying to do something illegal or to commit an offence未遂罪,犯罪企图,试图做不合法的事或犯罪 6.Trying to do something illegal or to commit an offence.未遂罪...
1.A trying to do or make something: crack,effort,endeavor,essay,go,offer,stab,trial,try. Informal:shot. Slang:take. Archaic:assay. 2.The act of attacking: aggression,assailment,assault,attack,offense,offensive,onrush,onset,onslaught,strike. ...
In Criminal Law, an attempt to commit a crime is an offense when an accused makes a substantial but unsuccessful effort to commit a crime. The elements of attempt vary, although generally, there must be an intent to commit the crime, an Overt Act beyond mere preparation, and an apparent ...
Criminal LawModel Penal CodeAttemptHomicideMost American criminal codes create an offense for recklessly killing another person, and nearly all contain a general provision covering any attempt to commitdoi:doi:http://dx.doi.org/Michael T. Cahill...
A person attempts to commit a crime when: (1) that person intended to commit the crime; and (2) began to do an act that constituted a substantial part of the crime, but failed to commit or complete the crime. 中文释义 n.犯罪未遂;未遂 指行为人企图实施犯罪,但在实施犯罪过程中因受到阻...
The documents also state the measures taken by Vega "more than mere preparation to commit the offense of kidnapping." At the time of writing, Vega is in the Travis County Jail. Sign up for the KTEM-AM Newsletter As this is developing story, we will have more information when it becomes ...
Later the authors write that: Footnote 12 continued generally speaking, the risk that one will commit an offense after alcohol consumption is extremely low. An incredibly small percentage of crimes are committed after alcohol consumption. Moreover, just as in the renunciation case, there is not ...
3.She failed in her second attempt to commit suicide.她第二次自杀未遂。 4.He was charged with an attempted crime.他因犯罪未遂而被起诉。 5.On "Attempted Instigation" and "Unfulfilled Instigation":A Comparative Study of the Three Legal Systems;论“教唆未遂”与“未遂的教唆”——三大法系比较研究...
Furthermore, the General Assembly has emphasized that "any act of enforced disappearance is an offense to human dignity. It is condemned as a denial of the purposes of the Charter of the UN and as a grave and flagrant violation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the ...