错误已经写的很明显了你使用了一个空值来索引一个table 比如 你运行一下这段代码你就懂了 tab = {} tab.size = {} print(tab.size.a) tab.size = nil print(tab.size.a) 第一次输出nil 第二次就出现了和你一样的错误因为size 本身不是一个table 而你以访问table的方式来访问这个值为nil...
/usr/local/bin/lua: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/lua.lua:1093: attempt to call field 'geteuid' (a nil value) stack traceback: /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/lua.lua:1093: in function </usr/local/share/lua/5.1/luarocks/fs/lua.lua:1092> (tail call): ? /usr/loca...
Check if applicable I have searched the existing issues (required) I'm willing to help fix the problem and contribute a pull request Describe the bug Cannot run any zk commands using the plugin as it raises the following error. How to re...
aThe Contractor will target and make every effort to provide productivity ideas (value add, cost reduction) and projects yielding 5% net cost benefit to Grace (based on Grace’s original Statement of Work). 承包商将瞄准,并且作出每一努力提供生产力想法 (价值增加,产生5%) 净成本效益的成本降低和项...
attempt to call field shake Device 试图调用字段摇装置
I am getting the error - InvalidOperationException: Invalid attempt to call FieldCount when reader is closed, when trying to populate a dropdown using below code:复制 public class IndexModel : PageModel { private readonly MyDbContext _dbContext; public IndexModel(MyDbContext dbContext) { _...
求助 我一运行脚本..?:0: attempt to call field 'WatchDog'(anil value)其他脚本正常 就是这个脚本 一播放就提示这个 不能用 请问下各位大神到时是什么原因啊 ? 西斜拉
美[əˈtempt] 英[ə'tempt] v.企图;意欲夺取;袭击;〈古〉诱惑 n.企图;【法】未遂(罪);袭击 网络尝试;出手次数;尝试次数 第三人称单数:attempts现在分词:attempting过去式:attempted 搭配 同义词 反义词 v.+n. make attempt,attempt rescue,abandon attempt,prevent attempt,approach attempt ...
The call stack could help to better understand where the problem happened. _context is injected correctly and declared at the instance level ?For the current code rather than using data.Result I would just go fully async ie :复制 public async Task<List<UserData>> GetBookmarks(user) { var ...
I've recently run into an issue with dap-ui. I've just started setting it up, and exploring , when I ran into this error. It occurs whenever I try open/close/toggle dap-ui. I had it all working smoothly, and then the next day it threw th...