Roblox: ServerScriptService.DamagableManager:48: attempt to index local 'mouse' (a nil value) 1 Roblox - Argument 1 missing or nil 1 Roblox Studio: CharacterAdded is not a valid member of Players 0 Roblox Studio "attempt to concatenate nil with string" 0 How To fix ...
这也是我们在Roblox上市前分析的问题:Roblox这个店中店的达摩克利斯之剑随时有违背App Store规则的风险 作为严重依赖Mobile的Roblox,在Epic 和Apple这场纷争中,有可能成为代价 He also confirmed this remains the case after an app's launch. If, for example, Epic wanted to reclassify Fortnite under the Ent...
I have this error in roblox studio: ServerScriptService.Main.Base:17: attempt to index nil with 'CurrentHealth' I'm creating a tower defense game and I'm doing a base health system I tried a lot of things and I can't fix this error: ServerScriptService.Main.Base:17: attempt to index...
hi, m pro_developer213 and i wanted to make a module script that can create a leaderstats that uses my own dataStore sistem but it get always this error: 78: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘Value’ (a nil value) …
Along with that, PlayerList now works. Except for Report button, Roblox don’t allows us to call Report menu. I’ll utilize it as in-game report mechanic then. For inapopriate builds, for example. I have decided to add seasons. Now, game will automatically understand when winter, spring...
Please refer to the Roblox manual. Under Events you'll find RBXScriptSignal MouseButton1Click ( ) Fired when the mouse has fully left clicked the GUI button note that the parenthesis are empty. Compare this to for exam...
I've searched through many youtube videos and haven't found a fix or an alternative way to do this, and I'm not sure why this isn't working. This script is located in the workspace. All help is appreciated. lua roles rank roblox leaderboard Share Improve this question Follow asked ...
1 My Roblox Studio script is sometimes having errors.. idk why 0 Roblox Studio: Attempt to index nil with 'Connect' 0 Script can't find tool in backpack 0 My notification system is having issues with the error "attempt to call instance value" 0 Is there any possible way is ca...