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Attack Shark R1 18000dpi Wireless Mouse, 1000Hz, Tri-mode Connection, PAW3311,Macro Gaming Mouse Product Description: 1. Product model: R1 2. Product interface type: USB Type C 3. Product connection method: USB, 2.4G. Bluetooth 4. Transmission frequency: 2402MHz-2480MHz 5. Product optical...
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doi:10.1111/j.1945-1474.1991.tb00168.xjwsJournal for Healthcare Quality
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Attack Shark R1/X3 Mouse 18000dpi Wireless 1000Hz Bluetooth Tri-mode Connection Mouse PAW3311/PAW3395 Mute Gaming Mouse gifts Specifications Product name:Wireless Keyboard 1. Product model: R1/x3 2. Product interface type: USB Typo C 3. Product connection method: USB, 2.4G. Bluetooth ...
Attack shark R1 2.4G Bluetooth Wireless 6 buttons 800-18000 DPI switchable light weight gaming mouse, You can get more details about Attack shark R1 2.4G Bluetooth Wireless 6 buttons 800-18000 DPI switchable light weight gaming mouse from mobile site on
Habitat monitoring: Application driver for wireless communications technology. ACM SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 2001, 31, 20–41. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Celler, B.; Hesketh, T.; Earnshaw, W.; Ilsar, E. An instrumentation system for the remote monitoring of changes in functional health...