Attack on Titan: Burning Bright in the Forests of the Night/進撃の巨人 ぬばたまの夜の森に、あかあかと燃ゆる Blu-ray_Player (2013-12-18) 进击的巨人 亚妮外传(视觉小说) Attack on Titan: Wall Sina, Goodbye/進撃の巨人 Wall Sina, Goodbye Blu-ray_Player (2013-12-18) 进击的巨人 -自由...
进击的巨人剧场版从总体上看,质量尚可,仅仅是 banding 有些麻烦,此次重新 rev Movie 1-2 主要也是对画面处理力度的调整,提高 mask 准确度,降低 deband 力度,以及随着 x265 编码器的日益改进,和组内对 x265 参数分配更加合理,最终使成品在体积相仿甚至更小的情况下,画面细节完全优于第一版。 10-bit 1080p HEVC...
别名:進撃の巨人/Attack On Titan/Shingeki no kyoji/进击巨人 上映:2013-04-06地区:日本类型:剧情热血冒险索引:J动漫标签:日语tv评论: 26集全 播放列表 第01集 第02集 第03集 第04集 第05集 第06集 第07集 第08集 第09集 第12集 第13集
进击的巨人剧场版从总体上看,质量尚可,仅仅是 banding 有些麻烦,此次重新 rev Movie 1-2 …继续阅读Attack on Titan / 进击的巨人 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [MOVIE+OADs Rev Fin]
Call Your Name Lyrics by Gemie. Insert Song for Attack on Titan. She lost her brother a month ago His picture on the wall And it reminds me When she brings me coffee... her smile I Wish I could be with her until my ...
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Call of Silence Lyrics by Gemie. Season 2 Insert Song for Attack on Titan. Don't you think of me enough I've been burning my heart out Got to face me to tell you I won't run cuz i'm reticent You will know you're reborn toni...
【DVD720P】自由之翼OAD02 突然的造访者【WOLF】 32.6万播放 【中字】恭送艾伦!史诗级大编制交响乐现场-进击的巨人:镇魂曲(ATTACK ON TITAN REQUIEM) 120.5万播放 【进击的巨人十大经典战役(2)】第五十七次壁外调查 2.6万播放 【CG】爆肝一年半,UP主一人自制电影版《进击的巨人》预告 292.1万播放 进击的巨人五大...
Watch Attack on Titan OADs (English Dub) Distress, on Crunchyroll. What begins as a simple training exercise turns into a disaster. A dysfunctional team of cadets must learn to work together after Christa is taken hostage by a group of brigands.
Watch Attack on Titan OADs Lost Girls: Wall Sina, Goodbye: Part 2, on Crunchyroll. After discovering the body of Carly's lover, Annie plans the next steps of her search. However, her snooping lands her in trouble and she'll need to think quickly if she h