Attack on Titan the Movie: The Last Attack: Directed by Yûichirô Hayashi. With Natsuki Hanae, Yoshimasa Hosoya, Marina Inoue, Yui Ishikawa. The fate of the world hangs in the balance as Eren unleashes the ultimate power of the Titans. With a burnin
进击的巨人剧场版从总体上看,质量尚可,仅仅是 banding 有些麻烦,此次重新 rev Movie 1-2 …继续阅读Attack on Titan / 进击的巨人 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [MOVIE+OADs Rev Fin]
进击的巨人剧场版从总体上看,质量尚可,仅仅是 banding 有些麻烦,此次重新 rev Movie 1-2 主要也是对画面处理力度的调整,提高 mask 准确度,降低 deband 力度,以及随着 x265 编码器的日益改进,和组内对 x265 参数分配更加合理,最终使成品在体积相仿甚至更小的情况下,画面细节完全优于第一版。 10-bit 1080p HEVC...
Knitret(Guest)Madness Combat Glock 19 Remake MovieclipDude pls make those for pc adobe animate! [More»]2 hours ago Who’s Online? There are 245 users online now. TimCBZtitaniamnotbaconkennyAcc deletedSillyBokeron () (And 186 guests) Most users online was 2060 on:Sat Sep 21st, 2024...
, lit. "Attack on Titan" Prequel - Crimson Bow and Arrow~) is the first compilation movie that retells the story of Attack on Titan by Hajime Isayama until the end of the Struggle for Trost arc. The story continues in Part 2, which covers the story until the point where the first ...
在线看Attack on Titan: movie / Вторжениетитанов:.. 32秒。22 4月 2015的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 884 — 已浏览。 24 — 已评价。
Attack on Titan (Part II): End of the World Movie - Directed by Shinji Higuchi and written by Yusuke Watanabe, Tomohiro Machiyama,. Attack on Titan (Part II): End of the World Cast, Plot and Trailers, In Theaters September 9th, 2015.
官方网站: 制片国家/地区: 日本 语言: 日语 上映日期: 2018-01-13(日本) 又名: ATTACK ON TITAN: ROAR OF AWAKENING === 自从超大型巨人出现,人类的和平与幻想被打破的那天开始,艾伦·耶格尔无尽战斗的日子就未曾中断……。 毫无抵抗之力,眼睁睁看着母亲成为...
又名: Shingeki no kyojin: Attack on Titan / Attack on Titan: The Movie IMDb链接: tt2072230 剧情简介: 不知曾几何时,世界各地出现了专门捕杀人类的巨人,可怕天敌的出现最终导致人类的文明衰落与倒推。为了阻止巨人无休止的捕猎,人类筑起三座高墙将自己保护起来,如是过去了一百年的时光。少年艾伦(三浦春马 ...
Attack on Titan Final Season (DVD) (2021) Anime with English subtitle episode 1-16 end Synopsis: Gabi Braun and Falco Grice have been training their entire lives to inherit one of the seven titans under Marley's c...