Attack on Titan 2 is an interesting sequel as it chooses to retell the anime's story from the beginning and reuses a whole lot of assets and maps that existed in the previous game. While several smaller features have been added, it sometimes lacks originality. Fortunately, the core Titan co...
#fanfiction#attackontitan#leviackerman#levi#ожп#shingekinokyojin#атакатитанов#AOT#snk "Осенниеэтюды" • Новогоднийэтюд Будубезмернорадавашимотзывам!
rBoausgehd ionndtihcaetsoersspoefcfiaalcepooirnietsn,twateioanl.igBnasaefdacoenbtyhersoetastpinegcitahlepeonintitrse, wfaecearlieggnioanfaarcoeubnydrothtaetcinengttehrepeonintitreoffathcee rfaegceio, nasasrhoouwndn itnheFicgeunrtee2rbp,co.inWteorfotthateeftahcee,oraisgisnhaolwfanceinreFgii...
bizarro reino alienígena de Ultros, encarando batalhas intensas contra formas de vida vibrantes e cultivando plantas exóticas na sua própria estufa cósmica. Domine novas habilidades e uma mecânica única com base em ciclos para de...