Later on, as an abnormal Titan approaches the escaping civilians who are blocked at the gate. Mikasa kills it, saving everyone.[53] She then witnesses why the civilians are taking too long to escape; an overloaded cargo cart is blocking the way. Mikasa asks the businessman to move the ...
Attack On Titanfollows this Eren Yeager as he holds a special power that gives humanity a fighting chance against the Titans: The ability to turn into a powerful Titan. ThroughoutAttack on Titan, Eren Yeager discovers the mysteries of why Titans exist and why he holds such powers. Shortly af...
Reiner pushes him out of the way, but the Titan bites down on his arm. He grits his teeth and manages to lift the Titan over his shoulders and carries it to a window with the intention of jumping out with it. Conny uses his knife though and cuts open the jaw enough for Reiner to ...
《進擊的巨人》是日本漫畫家谏山創創作的漫畫作品,故事發生在一個存在著人類天敵——“巨人”的世界。面臨著生存危機而殘存下的人類居住在由高牆包圍的城市,經曆了一百多年的和平後,毀壞牆壁的超大巨人出現了…… 艾連·葉卡、米卡莎·阿卡曼、艾爾文·史密斯、阿爾敏·亞魯雷特、里維·阿卡曼……如果穿越進這個極...
Attack on Titan series for Honey Select 2 (ハニーセレクト2 リビド) / Ai Shoujo 少女 Name : NanabaOrigin : Attack on TitanCostume : DefaultBirthday : June 30th, Height : 172cmCharacter Build : Projekt IMPBuild version : 1.0Mod by : B17, boy2239, chw, mlek
Annie Leonhart is a character from the Anime Attack on Titan. They have been indexed as Female Teen with Blue eyes and Blonde / Yellow hair that is To Neck length. Profile 104th Training Corps member. She's always making a scary face, but she has a kind side too. Her truly angry...
Meanwhile, the Attack on Titan Character Encyclopedia states that his short height and his penchant for cleanliness were inspired by Rorschach from The Watchmen - Rorschach being obsessed with filth instead. Finally, his name was inspired by a character named Levi from an American...
5、m Weight:65kg Erens guardian,the captain of the survey army Though his height is at 160cm,hes the strongest of manOthersothersBrief introduction This is a world controled by the titan. Human who become the titans food have built up huge city walls to prevent the titans invasion,even if...
Eren Yeager is a character from the Anime Attack on Titan. They have been indexed as Male Teen with Blue / Green eyes and Brown hair that is To Ears length. Profile Position: 104th Trainees Squad, Scouting LegionGraduation Rank: 5thEren is Shingeki no Kyojin's protagonist. His adoptive ...
Cart Titan is one of the Nine Titans of the universe of [Attack on Titan]. With a quadrupedal form and ability to move on two hands and 2 legs, it is characterised by its remarkable speed and endurance. It is the smallest Titan out of the main Nine Titans, with a height of on......