You secretly crave the intimacy of a relationship but can’t seem to let anyone get too close. This isn’t a coincidence. Based on the British psychiatrist and psychoanalyst John Bowlby’s work on attachment theory, there are four attachment styles that develop in early childhood and remain ...
所属专辑:2025年 ▏English 磨耳朵首选 持续更新 音频列表 1 Billie Eilish to release new album with recycled vinyl 2715 2024-04 2 Attachment theory is the science of love 2668 2024-04 3 New York buildings rattled by rare East Coast eart ...
The answer is as varied as love itself. When someone we love and whose presence we relied upon dies, our world is significantly altered. Grief has been described as the loss of the assumptive world, a violation of the conscious andunconsciousassumptions, cognitions, and beliefs that guide our...
摘用豆瓣简介的总结如下:[Anxious] people are often preoccupied with their relationships and tend to worry about their partner's ability to love them back[Avoidant] people equate intimacy with a loss of independence and constantly
Bowlby J (1953). Child Care and the Growth of Love. London: Penguin Books. Bretherton I (1992). "The Origins of Attachment Theory: John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth". Developmental Psychology. 28 (5): 759–775. Hazan C, Shaver P (March 1987). "Romantic love conceptualized as an attachmen...
--A General Theory of Love "Trying to fix the heart using the head, is like trying to paint with a hammer - it only makes a mess." "You can be strong - or you can be human." -- Grief Recovery Handbook "Gosh, I shoulda checked the milligramage! Oh, well, Live and Learn." -...
According to attachment theory, your attachment style is formed in the first 18 months of life and is based on the way your main caregiver related to you. If they didn't meet your emotional needs in a consistent way, you might have developed an anxious attachment style. ...
Seektherapy:Working with atherapistwho understands attachment theory can help you heal your old wounds and develop healthier ways of relating to others. Practice new behaviors:Change doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s going to feel uncomfortable. If you’re anxious, practice giving your partner...
Secondary Drive/cupboard-love:婴儿的许多生理需求(physiological needs,比如食物,保暖等)都需要成人,尤其是母亲来满足,所以婴儿就习得(学会)了母亲是满足自己欲望的源泉,就和母亲建立了密切的联系。因此,母婴关系的发展和社会/心理需求无关。 Primary Object Sucking:对口欲的满足(看,非常弗洛伊德吧!),也就是需要吃妈...
Based on attachment theory and love style typology, this study focuses on the relation between experiences in romantic relationships and mental health in a clinical sample. 117 outpatients of a psychosomatic clinic took part in the study. Self-report measures were used to assess relationship quality...