Attachment Theory (Bartholomew & Horowitz, 1991; Collins & Read, 1990) serves as a framework for understanding adult romantic bonds. Adult attachment is commonly characterized along dimensions of anxiety and avoidance, resulting in four categories: secure individuals (low anxiety, low avoidance) who ...
As compelling as the theory is for explaining phenomena within its natural domain, however, its explanatory scope is inherently limited: There are many aspects of religion that it cannot, and should not be expected to, explain. From the perspective of contemporary evolutionary psychology—with which...
(1992). An attachment-theory approach psychology of religion. International journal for the psychology of religion, 2, 3-28.Kirkpatrick, L. A. (1992). An attachment-theory approach psychology of religion. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2(1), 3e28....
Free Essay: Psychological Impacts of Attachment Disorder The theory of attachment was originally developed by John Bowlby, a British psychoanalyst who was...
Adult attachment;Attachment configurations;Attachment patterns;Bowlby’s attachment theory;Caregiver attachment;Interpersonal attachment Definition Attachment theory is a comprehensive and wide-reaching framework for describing humans’ patterns of interacting with significant others, including parents, children, and...
Fonagy expands on attachment theory by using the Theory of the Reflective Function . He assumes that the reflective function builds the basis for a consciousness of the psychological self and influences cognition and affection.Sternek, Katharina...
Discover the attachment theory of love and different love attachment styles. Read about the anxious ambivalent attachment style and the definition...
What does attachment theory teach us about grief? We know that our relationships with others form a kind of hierarchy, or pyramid, metaphorically speaking. At the top of the hierarchy are the people on whom we most depend, and whose loss is most impactful. This principle – that the severit...
Attachment theory is commonly associated with psychology and neurobiology because it connects the brain's desire for safety and regulation to the relationship between a parent and an infant. Because of its involvement in emotional regulation, attachment theory has become very significant. ...
While attachment theory can be considered to be a foundational concept in psychology, many have watched as social scientists continue to discuss the accuracy and flexibility of these categories in newer publications and articles. Exploring the four attachment styles ...