Attachment Theory is one of the most important theoretical developments in psychoanalysis to have emerged in the past half-century. It combines the rigorous scientific empiricism of ethology with the subjective insights of psychoanalysis, and has had an enormous impact in the fields of child developmen...
Attachment Theory: Children's Attachment to a Caregivers responsive to their needs. Image by Jeff Osborne What isAttachment?Attachmentis an emotional bond to another person. Psychologist John Bowlby was the firstattachmenttheorist‚ describingattachmentas a "lasting psychological connectedness between human...
According to Bowlby's Attachment Theory, attachment is a psychological connectedness that occurs between humans and lasts for a long period of time. To Bowlby, attachment is what keeps a baby connected to his mother, considering the needs of the child that can only be satisfied by his parent....
Developed by the British psychologist John Bowlby, the theory focused on the experience, expression, and regulation of emotions at both species (normative) and individual (person-specific) levels of analysis. Bowlby believed that the attachment system, as he and others called it, served two ...
This chapter introduces John Bowlby's attachment theory and explains some of the core theoretical ideas, including the concept of behavioral systems, secure base behavior, the strange situation, attachment styles, and internal working models. The chapter also highlights the ways in which Bowlby ...
亲附理论__Attachment_Theory亲附理论Attachment Theory 武汉精神卫生中心熊卫 一、亲附理论的简介 亲附理论是由社会学家John Bowlby(1907-1990)根据儿童与母亲之间的互动观察结果而提出来的一种理论。从心理学的角度来讲,亲附理论的核心意义主要是指儿童早年与母亲之间的关系不仅影响会儿童当时的行为,而且对其成年后...
Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby and later empirically tested by Mary Ainsworth, describes how the interactions between a primary caregiver and a child form patterns for future relationships between the grown-up child and other individuals [1, 8]. The theory was initially based on observ...
What is attachment theory? The originalattachment theoryis thought by many to have developed in the 1960s, based on the joint work of John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth. Both researchers were documented to have studied the relationship between parenting styles, as well as children’s earliest emotiona...
文档标签: 亲附理论AttachmentTheory 系统标签: attachmenttheory 理论 bowlby 婴儿 aai paren 亲附理论AttachmentTheory 武汉精神卫生中心熊卫一、亲附理论的简介亲附理论是由社会学家JohnBowlby(1907-1990)根据儿童与母亲之间的互动观察结果而提出来的一种理论。
While always remaining open to new avenues of research, John Bowlby was firmly insistent on the precise use of attachment terminology, and quite rightly too!doi:10.1080/14616730701711540Stevenson-HindeJoanRoutledgeAttachment & Human DevelopmentStevenson-Hinde J.Attachment theory and John Bowlby:some reflec...