再谈“依恋类型(Attachment Styles)”说到依恋类型,还是得从婴儿时期说起。因为,对成人依恋(adult attachment)的研究是基于这样一个假设:在婴儿时期,造成我们和父母之间紧密的情绪联系的心理系统,也在成人时期的亲密关系中发挥作用。依恋类型在“婴儿-父母”间已经出现 最早提出依恋理论的人叫John Bowlby,他是...
成人亲密关系中的依恋类型 1987年,Hazan 和 Shaver第一次把上述婴儿-父母的依恋类型理论放到成人的恋情关系(romantic relationships)语境中研究。他们认为,成人的恋情关系的本质也是一种依恋,它们与“婴儿-父母”之间的依恋有以下几个方面的相似: 都会因为另一方在身边,并及时回应自己而感到安全 在身体和心理上都很紧密...
Some may notice that their learned beliefs, feelings about themselves, and patterns of engaging in relationships are carried over from their childhood into their adult lives. Adults with a fearful-avoidant attachment style often display a “push-pull” dynamic in theirromantic relationshipsthat...
Individual & family studies Attachment theory and romantic relationships| An inquiry into the life stories of missionary couples THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY Marsha Rehm MillsKathleen SusanA basic principle found in attachment theory is that the relationship a young child shares with his or her primary...
For example, yourattachment stylecan influence the way you relate to other people, specifically in the context of romantic relationships. Adult attachment styles can be heavily influenced by self-worth and interpersonal trust, and may be directly related to how well you bonded with others during ch...
How Attachment Styles Affect Adult Relationships Internal models of attachment built in infancy can have a lasting effect. They continue to be used in close adult relationships, including with romantic partners and friends. Adults whose early needs were not consistently met, or were met with negative...
Attachment StylesRomantic LoveRomantic RelationshipsExtant research demonstrates interrelationships among attachment style, love, and affectionate expression, but is less edifying regarding how these constructs work together. Informed by attachment theory (Bowlby, 1980) and the conceptualization of love as a ...
In this study we explore the association between attachment dimension (anxiety and avoidance), attachment style (secure, preoccupied, fearful and dismissing), self-esteem and romantic relationships, as determined by relationship status, relationship satisfaction and the length of relationships in 398 young...
Now that you are acquainted with the four adult attachment styles, you probably have an idea of which one your actions and beliefs lean towards. Although it is completely normal to recognize features of one or more types of attachment in your history of romantic relationships, it’s important ...
attachment styles play an important role in child development and also influence attachment patterns in adult relationships. Knowing more about which style you have (secure, ambivalent, avoidant, or disorganized) can help you better recognize the challenges you might face in your romantic relationships...