However, Logistic Regressions did not support the proposition that attachment style may underlie sex differences in jealousy, because sex was the only significant predictors of the kind of jealousy that was more distressing. The discussion addresses the consistency of the evolved jealousy mechanism as ...
While the researcher can not test the hypothesis H4 because it can not use the measurement with the style dimension to avoid the conflict resolution style. DISCUSSION Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, it can be explained that the attachment style shows a positive relationship ...
In addition, attachment style and dysfunctional sexual beliefs explained a larger proportion of the variance in rape myth acceptance and hostility toward women than in likelihood of rape and sexually coercive behaviors. Since the IRMAS and HTWS reflect more overt cognitions and beliefs, while the ...
Anxious – Preoccupied Attachment:People having an anxious-preoccupied attachment style agree that they want to be completely emotionally intimate with others. They are uncomfortable being without close relationships. People with this style of attachment seek high levels of intimacy, approval, and ...
(79%) of bipolar individuals reported an insecure attachment, as opposed to only 32% of controls. However, this difference may be explained by the presence of apsychiatric diagnosisin general and not be specific to bipolar disorder; the two studies that compared other psychiatric diagnoses with ...
“too close” to someone, especially in romantic relationships. They may struggle to label their emotions or communicate openly. Those who identify with an avoidant attachment style may feel anxiety concerning closeness and vulnerability. They may also have a difficult time in normal social ...
Attachment styles explained 5.3% percent efficacy variance. Late results of the comparison showed that there are significant differences between self-efficacy of people with safe styles and self-efficacy of people with avoidant styles on one hand and self-efficacy of people with safe styles and se...
being average was affected by children's not being isolate at school. 3.7. Multidimensional Scaling Analysis (MDS) of Parents' Internal Working Models, Their Interactive Style, and Chil- dren's Peer Status in the Peer Group: Similarity Structure Analysis and External Variables as Points Technique ...
6. Comparison of Students With and Without Problematic Smartphone Use in Light of Attachment Style [O] . Christiane Eichenberg, Markus Schott, Athina Schroiff 2019 机译:根据依恋风格比较有无智能手机使用情况的学生的比较 7. Comparisons of temperament and character between problematic internet users...
45、ep psychological wounds to the self The findings were not explained by self-esteem or trust We also explored whether security enhancement might strengthen two self-transcendent values: benevolence (being loving and kind toward people with whom one has frequent personal contact) and universalism (...