CommonServiceIds CompletionErrorsEvent ComplianceSettings Componenttype Endişe ConcernCategory Koşul Conditiontype Güvenilirlik Yapılandırma ConfigurationEvent ConfigurationType ConfigurationVariableValue ConnectedServiceKind Connectiondata ConnectOptions ConsoleLogEvent Tüketici Tüketici ConsumerAction Kapsa...
attachmentSimple的上传、下载、预览等都是通过一个.j完成 $UI/system/service/doc/common/simpleFileStore.j (当是get的时候就是下载/浏览,post的时候就是上传),详细代码可以参考这个.j的实现。 所以这个组件只有一个api 就是获取下载、预览的url 1 2 3 4 getFileUrl :function(realFileName,storeFileName,owner...
MessageId<String>-UserId<String>-BodyParameter<IPaths1C56La0UsersUserIdMessagesMessageIdAttachmentsMicrosoftGraphCreateuploadsessionPostRequestbodyContentApplicationJsonSchema> [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] [-ProgressAction <ActionPreference>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm]...
entityReferences 展开表 entityReferenceattributeReference /core/operationsCommon/Tables/Finance/Ledger/Main/CompanyInfo.cdm.json/CompanyInfo RecId entity a reference to the constant entity holding the list of entity references is.dataFormat.guid is.dataFo...
publicstaticStringsaveTempToFileService(String tempUrl, Object AttPk, String fileName){// 1. 获取FileServiceFileService service = FileServiceFactory.getAttachmentFileService();// ...// 2. 根据参数从文件服务下载对应的缓存文件TempFileCache downLoad = CacheFactory.getCommonCacheFactory().getTempFileCa...
common function for check session value MVC controller Compare List with a Datatable compare textbox value with a column in sql Compare two list of objects using Linq Compare user input to rows in my data table... C# Comparision between Datagridview and gridview Compilation Error - Make sure ...
I have a project where I need the board to decode json data from a tcp socket. The code works, however, I get an unacceptable amount of TCP retransmissions. (my PC is .250, the board is .7, connected through a switch here on my desk. The...
4.1 Common modules 4.1.1 V2G Status Status: : : : : shows status of the V2G communication stack step was finished successfully step is in progress an error occurred in this step step has not been executed yet Revision No..: 2.1 Eigenschaft. Page 7 / 18 State: ReleasedFehler! Unbekannter...
Finally, if you could capture CapFrameX telemetry during your War Thunder session and then zip the .JSON file and share it here, I can then compare your GPU's overall power draw vs. my GPU. You can check instructions for CapFrameX here. Thanks for...
Finally, if you could capture CapFrameX telemetry during your War Thunder session and then zip the .JSON file and share it here, I can then compare your GPU's overall power draw vs. my GPU. You can check instructions for CapFrameX here. Thanks for...