Did you ever find a solution to this? I have the exact same scenario and the attachment content on List B does not go through, just the attachment name. In the "Add attachment" action, I'm using this expression for File Content: body('Get_attachment_content') ...
I tried some flow like \"Get Attachment\" or \"Get File Content\" etc. But I got the message file not found so please let me know the step by step for getting attached in power automate. stormin_30
I tried some flow like \"Get Attachment\" or \"Get File Content\" etc. But I got the message file not found so please let me know the step by step for getting attached in power automate. ","body@stringLength":"464","rawBody":" I created one Sharepoint ...
Action ‘Append_to_array_variable’ failed: Unable to process template language expressions in action ‘Append_to_array_variable’ inputs at line ‘0’ and column ‘0’: ‘The template language expression ‘body(‘Get_attachment_content)?[‘$content-type’]’ cannot be evaluated because property...
Posted on 13 May 2020 16:29:27 by Community Power Pla...Hello everyone- I need to get the attachment content into the start and wait for approval mail- I have created a Get attachment action, then apply to each for Get attachment content, but when ...
BodyContentAttributedValue BodyType BodyType (BodyTypeType) BusinessAddresses BusinessHomePage BusinessHomePages BusinessName BusinessPhoneNumbers BusinessPhoneNumbers2 BusyType CalendarEvent CalendarEventArray CalendarEventDetails CalendarFolder CalendarFolderPermissionLevel CalendarItem CalendarItemType CalendarPermission...
This article contains numerous suggestions and recommendations that will help you get your particular question about Power BI, PowerAutomate and PowerApps answered quickly and correctly versus seemingly ignored. First off all, before anything, be sure to check the community Code of Conduct. Urgent Is...
MIME-version: 1.0 Content-type: multipart/mixed; boundary="exchange" This is a message with multiple parts in MIME format. --exchange Content-type: text/plain <This is the body of the message.> --exchange Content-type: application/octet-stream Content-transfer-encoding: base64 PGh0bWw+CiAgP...
DetectionMethodsstring差出人ヘッダー内の送信者の電子メール アドレス。このアドレスは、メール クライアントのメール受信者に表示されます。 FileNamestring記録されたアクションが適用されたファイルの名前。 FileSizelongファイルのサイズ (バイト単位)。
✅ When I try to access an excel file from an email attachment with a Power Automate flow, I...:I'm using a power automate flow to create a file in SharePoint out of an excel attachment sent to my inbox. Whenever the flow attempts to create the...